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Informed Consent for Weight Loss Treatment via Telehealth


In accordance with medical standards for the prescription of drugs to treat obesity, informed consent is required before any weight loss medications or treatments are prescribed, administered, or dispensed. This document serves to inform you of the potential benefits and risks associated with weight loss treatments.

Additional benefits may include enhanced physical activity, improved mental well-being, and social advantages, though these cannot be guaranteed.

Possible Side Effects and Risks

  • Temporary side effects: During weight loss, you may experience increased urination, dizziness, a slower metabolic rate, dry skin, fatigue, and changes in menstrual patterns. These effects typically resolve once calorie intake is adjusted.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies: Low potassium levels may lead to serious heart irregularities. Nutritional imbalances can occur during weight loss, especially if calorie intake is rapidly increased or inconsistent.

Binge Eating and Weight Regain

Participation in a reduced-calorie diet may temporarily increase episodes of binge eating in some individuals. However, structured diets have been shown to decrease binge eating in the long term. Long-term success in weight management requires commitment to lifestyle changes, including regular physical activity and adherence to a healthy diet.
Obesity is a chronic condition, and there is a possibility of regaining weight over time. Studies show that maintaining weight loss can be difficult, and most individuals may regain some or all of the weight they lose. Planning for potential setbacks is crucial for long-term success.

Serious Health Risks
In individuals with severe obesity, particularly those with underlying conditions such as hypertension, heart disease, or diabetes, the risk of sudden health complications, including death, is higher compared to those without these conditions.

By signing this consent form, you acknowledge that you understand the potential benefits and risks of weight loss treatment and that you have had the opportunity to discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider. You also agree to adhere to the treatment plan and maintain regular communication with your provider.